Station - Sparta, Ont
AFHQ Job No: 5972
Approx Lat:42º 43' 30"
Approx Long: 81º 06' 12"
Approx Elevation: 892' ASL
Maps: Port Stanley 40 I/11 E/2 & W/2, 1:50,000
Property:Lot 18, Con 5, Township of Yarmouth, County of Elgin
Owner:Mr H Kiers, RR #5, St Thomas, Ont
Description:Cleared pasture land adjacent to small wooded area.
Geodetic Triangulation Station on Site:No
Geodetic Bench Mark on Site:No. Determine approx elevation from recognizable point on map sheet other than site.
Forestry Tower on Site:No.
Power Supply: Nearest substation is 4 miles away (1 mile E of Union).
Mr M Watson, St Thomas, Ont (ME 1-4600)
Communications:Nearest exchange Sparta
Bell Telephone Co
Mr Brown, St Thomas, Ont
Access to Site:From Sparta, proceed north 1 mile, turn left and proceed west 1 1/2 miles to Mr Kiers' farm on right. Go up lane to house and turn left into pasture to site.
Access Road:Construction of 1/6 mile from end of lane to site.
Aerial Photographs:A 13340-(165)-166
A 13340-(164)-163
1951, 1"=3,000'
Consulting Engineer:MM Dillon & Company
141 Maple Street,
London, Ontario
Sketch Attached:Part of 40 I/11 E/2