Historical Narrative
2451 AC&W Sqn (Aux)
1 December 1960 to 31 May 1961
15 Dec 60
A Christmas Party was held for the NCO's and other ranks at this headquarters, the dinner being served by the officers in the traditional manner. After the dinner, a dance band was provided by the Officers Mess for a successful evening of merry-making.
18 Dec 60
On this Sunday afternoon we held our annual kiddies Christmas Party for 80 children of the squadron members. Movies and cartoons were shown and a magician performed his mysterious acts which included the participation of many of the children. Santa then handed out gifts to every child and they were also provided with ice cream, fruit, soft drinks, and all they could eat.
19 Dec 60
Pay Parade was held for all ranks, and later in the evening a turkey roll in the Officers Mess.
23 Dec 60
The squadron was stood down for the Holidy Season from Dec 23rd to Jan 6th.
30 Dec 60
The annual New Years Ball was held in the Officers Mess with 150 couples attending the affair.
1 Jan 61
A New Years Day Levee was held in the Mess for all Officers, members of the Windsor Garrison, and guests. Wing Commander JS Mencel, former Commanding Officer, proposed the toast to the President of the United States. Squadron Leader Robert Norwood proposed the toast to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Our officers also attended Levees at the Armouries, St Luke Barracks, and the Navy Establishment, HMCS Hunter.
9 Jan 61
The first parade for the year was held. S/L Norwood, F/L Vincer and F/L Lavigne attended the first meeting of the International Air Forces Night Committee at the Broadhead Naval Armory in Detroit.
Jan 61
Air Vice Marshal WR MacBrien OBE CD Air Officer Commanding Air Defense Command officially presented the Squadron Badge to this unit at a parade held in the Windsor Armouries. He also presented the Canadian Forces Decoration to F/L EJ Liffiton. After a Review of the squadron, the AVM was the guest of honour at a dining-in night at the Officers Mess which was attended by all officers and their wives. During the evening an explanation of the research and history of the Badge was explained. This was done by F/L AS Scott who researched the project, F/L JA Pinnegar who painted the Badge, and Mr Jack Botsford, Curator of the Fort Malden Museum who has custody of Chief Tecumseh's Battle Sash which was used as a motif on the Squadron Badge.
20 Jan 61
Our monthly stand-to was held from 1600 to 1900 hours.
22 Jan 61
Promotion exams were written by 14 officers. Trade was written on this date, and GSK on January 29th.
4 Feb 61
No 310 Squadron of the Air Cadets, one of two squadrons who also occupy our building, held their annual spring dance. Among the chaperones were members of the RCAFA who sponsor both squadrons.
11 Feb 61
The Ladies Auxiliary to 2451 Squadron sponsored a Valentine Dance for the Officers and their guests. Proceeds of $125 was presented to the Churchwood School for Cerebral Palsied Children by Mrs Robert Norwood, President of the Ladies Auxiliary.
16 Feb 61
A Mess Meeting was held after the regular parade.
17 Feb 61
The regular monthly stand-to was held.
24 Feb 61
Airlift to Falconbridge. Sixteen personnel participated.
10 Mar 61
Airlift to Falconbridge. Another sixteen participated.
17 Mar 61
The NCO's decorated the assembly room and held a St Patrick's dance, guests including the NCOs from the Windsor Garrison.
18 Mar 61
The officers held a St Patricks Dance.
24 Mar 61
Airlift to Falconbridge with sixteen personnel. The monthly stand-to was held and special guests were Captain Frank G Reynolds, Commanding Officer of the US Naval Air Station at Grosse Ile Michigan with a group of his officers. An International Crud match was played, and the Americans beat us. An engraved pewter mug was then presented to Captain Reymno.
30 Mar 61
Local training ceased this date.
8 Apr 61
The disbandment parade for the squadron was held in Jackson Park. Air Vice Marshal WR MacBrien, AOC ADC inspected the parade and took the salute on the final March Past. He then addressed the unit, thanked everyone for a job well done, and for their interest and loyalty to the RCAF. After the AVM departed from the park the RCAF Ensign was slowly lowered, folded, and handed to Squadron Leader Robert Norwood. A reception was held in the Officers Mess for the Air Vice Marshal, and a station dance was held in the evening.
14 Apr 61
Airlift to Falconbridge for 2 officers and 14 airmen.
15 Apr 61
The eighth annual Windsor Officers Garrison Ball was held at HMCS Hunter. Our guests of honour for the evening included G/C AG Kenyon and Mrs Kenyon, Centralia; W/C W Garton, Falconbridge; Brig Gen CE Klenke and Col JJ Windsor of the USMC Detroit.
21 Apr 61
The last airlift to Falconbridge. Five officers, nine airmen and two airwomen. Because of fog which suddenly moved in over most of the Province, the aircraft refuelled at Timmins, then flew south again to Sudbury when a landing was possible. The monthly stand-to was held and an Air Force tie presented to a good friend of the squadron Mr CT Carson, on his retirement from Vice President of Hiram Walkers & Sons Ltd.
28 Apr 61
The last Mess Dinner was held in the Officers Mess. Guest of honour and speaker for the evening was Air Commodore EM Reyno AFC CD, Air Force Headquarters, Ottawa.
29 Apr 61
Final pay parade and clothing parade for all ranks. Supply and Pay Accounts personnel from Centralia closed out these accounts.
1 May 61
All ranks were transferred to the Supplementary Reserve with the exception of a few officers. F/L Stan Marchini and F/O Don Peck went to primary reserve MSO Manning Support Officer, for summer employment with the Recruiting Unit. Outright releases were given to F/L John Dalrympole who joined the Windsor Regiment and to F/L GW Duncan who joined the Essex and Kent Scottish. Continuing on strength until May 31 are the CO, CAdO, PAdO, PMC, PRO, COpsO, SMO, Accounts NPF, the Mess Secretary and the Purchasing Officer.
13 May 61
A final dining-in night was held for officers and their wives honouring S/L Robert Norwood and F/L JK Vincer, RSO. S/L Norwood was entertained with a this-is-your-life story illustrated with pictures projected on the wall. This traced his whole career, with a bit extra thrown in. He was then presented with an 8mm Movie Projector. F/L Vincer was presented with an automatic slide projector to further his hobby and collection of 35mm colour slides and transparencies. Engraved beer mugs were presented to every officer as a lasting memento of 2451 Squadron.
19 May 61
The last stand-to was held. A Mess Meeting was held and an Officers Association was formed to assist the RCAFA in their efforts to keep the building open as an RCAF Centre in this area. Earlier in the month (May 4) S/L William Ashbury from AFHQ visited Windsor and met with officers of 2451 Squadron, Air Cadet Officers, and members of the RCAFA and Len Baldock, National President of the RCAFA. The subject discussed was the dispositon of the building and assets.
26 May 61
The second annual International Air Forces Night was held at the Gay Haven Supper Club in Dearborn, Michigan. More than 450 officers attended this affair which was a grand success. Speaker for the evening was Dr Myron L Koenig, assistant Dean of the School of Foreign Affairs, US State Department. He presented a very enlightening talk into the operations of this very extensive department with 3700 people in 200 embassies throughout the world. General Chairman, Capt FG Reynolds USN. Master of Ceremonies, A/C EM Reyno, RCAF. Guests included Lieut Gen JC Munn, USMC; Maj Gen JC Jenson, 30th Air Div; A/C JB Harvie, DAOC ADC RCAF; Brig Gen JA Johnston ANG; Brig Gen LB Robertshaw USMC; A/C Lipton, 30th Air Div; G/C AG Kenyon, G/C RL Denison, G/C WH Schroeder, all RCAF. From Detroit Air Sector, Col GJ LaBresche, Col CL Sluder and G/C Lewis RCAF. There was also Brig Gen JC Munn USMC, W/C Geoffery Woolfenden, S/L Barry Nelligan and 11 Officers from 2420 Squadron London, Ont; members of the RCAFA and many many aircrew from the interceptor and tanker squadrons at Selfridge AFB. A wonderful affair but a lot of organizing.
31 May 61
Mess ceases to function at 2359 hours.
respectfully submitted
R Norwood (Squadron Leader)
Commanding Officer