Organization Order 167/49
1 Radar and Communications Unit (Auxiliary) RCAF, Montreal, PQ.
Appendix "A" - Detachments of R & C Unit Montreal
Effective 1 Nov 49 1 Air Defence Group will become an Administratively independent group. This change necessitates alterations in the control of units comprising 1 Air Defence Group.
To reorganize 1 Radar and Communication Unit (Reserve).
Effective Date
1 R&C Unit (Res) is to reorganize effective 15 Nov 49.
The functions of the unit are to be as follows:
The Officer appointed to command RCAF Stn St Hubert is to be, as defined by KR (Air) para 2 (xv), the "Commanding Officer" of this unit.
The Officer appointed to command 1 R&CU (Res) is to be the "Officer Commanding" as defined by KR (Air) para 2 (xxxviii).
Functional and administrative control of this unit is to be exercised by the Group Commander AD Group through the CO RCAF Stn St Hubert.
The standard establishments for R&C Units and reserve radar units will apply.
The transfer and/or posting of personnel is to be arranged by AFHQ and the Group Commander AD Group.
Accommodation is to be arranged by the Group Commander AD Group.
Expenditures are to be charged to Vote 601.
Pay and equipment accounting is to be carried out by RCAF Stn St Hubert.
Equipment and Supplies
The Group Commander AD Group is to arrange for the supply of equipment, stationery and publications required by this unit.
The address of this unit is to be:
Commanding Officer,
RCAF Station,
St Hubert, PQ
(CR Dunlap) A/V/M
for CAS
1 Function - Para 4
Delete - Sub-sub paras i to ix inclusive
Insert - New sub-sub paras as follows:
Delete - 2402
Insert - 2401
(AL James) A/V/M
for CAS
12 Jul 50
1 In para 4 sub para (a) delete sub sub paras (vi) to (xi) inclusive and insert the following sub sub paras (vi) to (xii):
(vi) Communications Operators W/T
(vii) Communications Operators R/T
(viii) Communications Operators T/T
(ix) Communications Operators D/F
(x) GCI Controllers
(xi) Operations Operators
(xii) Such other officers categories as may be later determined.
(AL James) A/V/M
for CAS
18 Dec 50
1 Delete: Paras 5 & 6
Insert: New para 5 as follows:
"The officer appointed to command 1 R&C Unit (Res) is to be the Commanding Officer as defined by KR (Air) para 2 (xv)."
2 Delete: Para 7
Insert: New para 7 as follows:
"Functional and administrative control of this unit is to be exercised by the Gp Cdr, RCAF Reserve Gp Montreal, through the CO, RCAF Reserve Technical Training Wing HQ, Montreal:
3 Delete: Para 10
Insert: New para 10 as follows:
"Accommodation is to be arranged by the Gp Cdr, ADGp, through the Cp Cdr, RCAF Reserve Gp Montreal."
4 Delete: Para 11
Insert: New para 11 as follows:
"Expenditures are to be charged to Vote 600, except pay and allowances, and travel and transportation of Reserve Personnel, which are to be charged to Vote 601."
5 Delete: Para 12
Insert: New para 12 as follows:
"Pay and equipment accounting are to be provided by the CO RCAF Stn St Hubert until 15 Feb 61, at which time the CO RCAF Administrative Wing HQ, Montreal will be responsible for the provision of these services."
6 Delete: Para 13
Insert: New para 13 as follows:
"The CO RCAF Stn St Hubert is responsible for the provision of equipment and supplies in accordance with CAP 16 Vol 1 until 15 Feb 51 at which time the CO RCAF Administrative Wing Montreal will be responsible for the provision of these services."
7 The address of this Unit is to be:
Commanding Officer,
1 Radar and Communications Unit (Res),
RCAF Station St Hubert
St Hubert, PQ
8 The paragraphs of this order are to be renumbered taking into consideration of the deletion of para 6.
(AL James) A/V/M
for CAS
8 Jan 51
1 DELETE: Para 4b
2 DELETE: Para 7
INSERT: New para 7 as follows:"(a) Establishments R100 RCU and 6145 RCUS are to become effective 15 Jan 51.
(b) R&CU Detachments Establishments
R101 ACWA, 6139 2452,
R101 ACWB, 6135 2450
R101 ACWB, 6134 2451,
are to become effective 15 Jan 51."
(AL James) A/V/M
for CAS
15 Feb 51
1 Amend para 11 to read as follows:
"Pay and equipment accounting are to be provided by the CO RCAF Stn St Hubert until 15 Mar 51, at which time the CO RCAF Administrative Wing HQ Montreal will be responsible for the provision of these services."
2 Amend para 12 to read as follows:
"The CO RCAF Stn Hubert is responsible for the provision of equipment and supplies in accordance with CAP 16 Vol 1 until 15 Mar 51, at which time the CO RCAF Administrative Wing Montreal will be responsible for the provision of these services."
(AL James) A/V/M
for CAS