Grostenquin France

Shirley Bauer (Hearn)

The Beginning of the Hike – 2 May 1964

Mr Tret used to teach History at the High School. It was not unusual for him to organize trips for the students. The "20 Mile Nature Hike" would be the last in a series of many trips taken by the students at the 2 Wing Lorraine High School - as the station was clsoed at the end of June 1964.

This photo shows the bus picking up students for the hike. The following is an attempt to identify the students in the photo: (L-R) Keith Lang, Ian Phillips, Greg Fisher, Barb Whitbread, Sandra Keddy, Diana Hughes, Greg Nelson (part of his head), Richard MacIntyre, Boyd Wood, Nancy Bauer, Jim Webster, Murray Church (part of his head), Marnie Hogg, Marvin Guile, Ken Lang (head), Bob Walter, Lorraine Wood and Georgina MacNaughton.