Grostenquin France

Barbara Lalonde (McEachern)

2 Wing "Glee Club" - April 1960

Back row (L-R) - Barbara Lalonde, Kim Dunville, Patricia Nott, Diane Roberts, Colleen Gleason, Janis Hall, Janis Padley, Lorna Anderson, Ellen Packard.

Fourth row (L-R) - Alana Golding, Beverley Young, June Davis, Gloria Bond, Glynda Townend, Corinne Loch, Sarah "Mickey" Cochrane, Ingrid Orser, Diane Morency.

Third row (L-R) - Diane "Dee" Stewart, Sandra Nelson, Louise Schwab, Carol Harvey, Sharon Rose, Donna O'Hearne, Thelma Bruton, Charlotte Carter, Lynn Upham, Sandra Hartley, Heather Barber, Mrs. Flett.

Second row sitting (L-R)- Barbara Thomas, Lou Buxton, Gail Townend, Connie Simpson, Sharon Washburn, Sandra Wilson, Marilyn McArton, Sandra West.

Front row kneeling (L-R) - Lynn Biddell, Wayne Grant, Marcel Finnigan, Bruce Strader, Sheldon Heppner, Tommy Goodhand, Sandra Semain.

In an attemot to help identify these faces - there were many names written on the back of the photo. Can you matach any of these names with a face?

Judy Finnigan, Jo White, Pauline Hampson, B Wood.

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Updated: November 10, 2002