Grostenquin, France
2 Wing Brats - 1960

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  1. (L-R) Bob Ludlum, Louise Schwab, Gary Humphreys, Sharon Humphreys, Doreen McLure - 25 December 1960.
    Courtesy Karen Coulter (Chaytors).

  2. Sally Mullen opening a Christmas gift - 25 December 1960.
    Courtesy Sue Waugh (Hirst).

  3. Susan Waugh dressed up for Christmas - December 1960.
    Courtesy Sue Waugh (Hirst).

  4. Donna McOrmond savouring her Christmas gifts in PMQ A-147 - December 1960.
    Courtesy June McOrmond

  5. (L-R) Allan, Ken, Donna and June McOrmond in front of their Christmas tree in PMQ A-147 - December 1960.
    Courtesy June McOrmond

  6. Donna and Ken McOrmond putting up the Christmas tree in PMQ A-147 - December 1960.
    Courtesy June McOrmond

  7. Barry Sheard - November 1960.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  8. Barry Sheard - November 1960.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  9. Shelly Sutar's birthday party in PMQ A-143 - November 1960.
    (L-R) Shelly Sutar, Tommy Clow, Allan McOrmond, Paul and Sanrda Flynn, Christine Dufault.
    Courtesy June McOrmond

  10. Larger image of aerial photo of PMQ area - 21 October 1960.
    Courtesy Gary Crawford.

  11. Michael Roy receiving a presentation at Cubs - October 1960.
    Courtesy Michael Roy.

  12. Bonnie Nichols - October 1960.
    Courtesy Mel Johnston.

  13. A game of flag football in progress - October 1960.
    (L-R) Metz Player, Geoff Carter, Metz player, Wally Gilks, Referee, Metz player, Pat Rushton (Metz player running left in front of the goalpost), Art Hampson, Jack Graham (#1), Bob Graham (#16), Hazen Gilks (#9).
    Courtesy Bob Graham.

  14. Our home in the village of Grostenquin - September 1960.
    Courtesy Joy Gilbert.

  15. A typical view from our home in Grostenquin - September 1960.
    Courtesy Joy Gilbert.

  16. DND Schools in Europe brochure, page 1 of 3 - September 1960.
    Courtesy Gary Davis.

  17. DND Schools in Europe brochure, page 2 of 3 - September 1960.
    Courtesy Gary Davis.

  18. DND Schools in Europe brochure, page 3 of 3 - September 1960.
    Courtesy Gary Davis.

  19. (L-R) Mel Johnston and Vic Blake on Vic's mobylette (pre scooter days) - September 1960.
    Courtesy Mel Johnston.

  20. (L-R) Dick Horton, Jim Nubel and Lawrie Dellar with their bikes in an unidentified local village - August 1960.
    Courtesy Mel Johnston.

  21. The Gilbert family on the deck of the Ivernia heading for France - August 1960.
    (L-R) Grant, Bob, June and Joy Gilbert.
    Courtesy Joy Gilbert.

  22. The Gilbert family in their stateroom on the Ivernia - August 1960.
    (L-R) Joy, Grant, June and Bob Gilbert.
    Courtesy Joy Gilbert.

  23. Bob Gilbert checking the luggage - August 1960.
    Courtesy Joy Gilbert.

  24. Bob Barefoot in PMQs - August 1960.
    Courtesy June Davis (Ditson).

  25. Reg Moore - July 1960.
    Courtesy Gary Davis.

  26. Summer fun in the PMQ area - July 1960.
    Courtesy Judy Nichols (Kerr).

  27. Summer fun in the PMQ area - July 1960.
    Courtesy Judy Nichols (Kerr).

  28. Summer fun in the PMQ area - July 1960.
    Courtesy Judy Nichols (Kerr).

  29. Bonnie Nichols and Sharda Kell in St. Tropez - July 1960.
    Courtesy Judy Nichols (Kerr).

  30. (L-R) Sandra Lazuk and Jeanne Harrison camping in Metz on the Moselle River at Camp Homologue - July 1960.
    Courtesy Sandra Lazuk (Webster).

  31. (L-R) Diane Packard and Linda Chapman - July 1960.
    Courtesy Sibyl Fisher (Henderson).

  32. (L-R) Unknown, Kevin Haines, Cheryl Filmore in PMQs - July 1960.
    Courtesy Sibyl Fisher (Henderson).

  33. (L-R) Linda Ramsey and Heather Hampson on the swings in PMQs - July 1960.
    Courtesy Sibyl Fisher (Henderson).

  34. (L-R) Heather Hampson, Sibyl Fisher, Diane Packard in PMQs - July 1960.
    Courtesy Sibyl Fisher (Henderson).

  35. High School teachers from the 1959-1960 school year - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Joy Gilbert.

  36. Elementary School teachers from the 1959-1960 school year - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Joy Gilbert.

  37. Grade 12 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Des Desbiens.

  38. Grade 10 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Gary Davis.

  39. Grade 9 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Patti Murray (McGee).

  40. Larger image of the Grade 9 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Patti Murray (McGee).

  41. Grade 8 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Bob Scott and Judy Nichols (now Kerr).

  42. Grade 8 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Jo-Anne Windover (Muciy).

  43. Grade 6 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Bob Scott.

  44. Grade 5 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Fred Lazuk.

  45. Grade 5 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Brian and Gary Crawford.

  46. Grade 3 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Gary Crawford and Patricia Wright (Ridler).

  47. Grade 3 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Sibyl Fisher (Henderson).

  48. Grade 2 class photo - June 1960.
    Third row - Norm Stager (2nd from left with the messy hair just below the door handle). Front row - Gerry Teeple (far right).
    Courtesy Norm Stager.

  49. Grade 1 class photo - June 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Jo-Anne Windover (Muciy).

  50. Dorothy Henderson on the station - June 1960.
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  51. Sharda Kell by Lorraine High School - June 1960.
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  52. "Pony League" baseball game by the track on the station back field - June 1960.
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  53. Gary Davis and Jack Graham on their mopeds in the PX parking area - June 1960.
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  54. (L-R) Unknown, unknown, Gary Davis and Jack Graham on their mopeds in the PX parking area - June 1960.
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  55. (L-R) Jim Hirst and Thelma Bruton by Lorraine High School - June 1960.
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  56. Heather Barber in PMQs - June 1960.
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  57. Students in front of Lorraine High School - June 1960.
    (L-R) Unknown, Sharon Washburn, Joy Gilbert, Mr. Anderson, June Davis
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  58. Students in front of the last cage of "G" Block - June 1960.
    (L-R) Gail Townend, Dianne (Dee) Stewart
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  59. The High School bus in front of the PMQs school - June 1960.
    Courtesy Phil Barber.

  60. (L-R) Glynda Townend, Mr. Caldwell (home room teacher), Ken Grenzowski - May 1960.
    This was the grade 8 class of 1959-1960.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  61. Bryan LaMontagne on Pete's Labretta in front of "C" block in PMQs - May 1960.
    Courtesy Peter LaMontagne.

  62. A Field Trip to the Struthof Concentration Camp in France - May 1960.
    Courtesy As Indicated.

  63. Pete and Bryan LaMontagne on Pete's Lambretta in front of "C" block in PMQs - May 1960.
    Courtesy Peter LaMontagne.

  64. Des Desbiens riding his scooter on the station - May 1960.
    Courtesy Des Desbiens.

  65. June Davis in front of the Rec Centre - May 1960.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  66. Picnic time in France - May 1960.
    Judy Nichols, Janis Hall and my mother.
    Courtesy Judy Nichols (Kerr).

  67. Sharon Washburn hiding behind the camera in front of G Block, cage 1. F Block would have been to her right and the Commanding Officer's residence was to her left - April 1960.
    Courtesy Gary Davis.

  68. Studying for exams - April 1960.
    Marlene Charko, Robyn Virr, Jim Prescott behind G Block.
    Courtesy Phil Barber.

  69. (L-R) Sharda Kell and Patti Murray approach Ken McLeod who is playing catch with Rob Davis behind G Block in the PMQ area - April 1960.
    Courtesy Phil Barber.

  70. Rob Davis playing catch with Ken McLeod behind G Block. See previous photo - April 1960.
    Courtesy Phil Barber.

  71. Dick Horton, in the parking lot by the Snack Bar at 3 Wing - April 1960
    He is reputed as having said "Some day, I'm going to be a "fly-boy" and have one of these".
    Courtesy Peter LaMontagne

  72. 2 Wing "Glee Club" - April 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  73. Larger image of the 2 Wing "Glee Club" - April 1960.
    The rest of the story.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  74. Taking a break from school - April 1960.
    (L-R) Diane Buick and Steve Racine sitting on the school steps.
    Courtesy June Davis (Ditson).

  75. June Davis near PMQs - April 1960.
    Courtesy June Davis (Ditson).

  76. Spring have sprung - June 1962.
    (L-R) June Davis, Ken Kreh, unknown, unknown, Bruce Lauder, Bob Barefoot, Sharon Washburn.
    Courtesy June Davis (Ditson).

  77. Rob Davis in front of "G" Block in PMQs - April 1960.
    Our dad is in the background working on his 1959 Ford.
    Courtesy June Davis (Ditson).

  78. Activities at the 2 Wing PMQ playground - April 1960.
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  79. Activities at the 2 Wing PMQ playground - April 1960.
    Courtesy Heather Barber (Baltazar).

  80. (L-R) Warren McGeorge, Sue Furnell, Al Young - March 1960
    Courtesy Peter LaMontagne

  81. (L-R) Joanne Nichols and Don Anderson at a Hard Times dance - March 1960.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  82. (L-R) Don Anderson and Lynn Paquin at the Hard Times dance - March 1960.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  83. (L-R) Sharon Washburn (sitting) and Diane Stewart at the Little Theatre getting ready for the Hard Times dance - March 1960.
    Courtesy Barbara Lalonde (McEachern).

  84. Sharon Washburn in PMQs - February 1960.
    Courtesy Gary Davis.

Photographic Credits

All photos are used with permission.

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